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User Experience Drives Digital Business


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Leading enterprises translate digital experience into business outcomes

Your network should help drive consistent, exceptional digital experiences. Discover how an optimal network design drives great user experiences across industries.

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Digital experience is the heart of digital business

The modern enterprise is entering a new phase of digital maturity: shifting from “digital transformation” to sustainable “digital business,” according to IDC.1 Digital businesses are defined by the role technology plays in streamlining processes, products, services, and — most importantly — end-user experiences, both internal and external. Forrester has carved out a new category of leadership called “experience-driven businesses” (EDBs): EDBs grow revenue 1.7 times faster and increase customer lifetime value 2.3 times more than other companies.

Despite the growing importance of digital experience, many enterprises fall short:

  • On average, there is a 17% gap between customer expectations and their satisfaction with their digital experience.
  • Only half of employees are satisfied with their experiences with technology in the workplace.

And it’s no wonder. With more distributed users, greater bandwidth demands, and heightened security threats, building a network that can deliver consistent, exceptional digital experiences is a tall order.

To understand why it matters, let’s look across three different industries: Healthcare, Retail, and Financial Services

At a glance, these industries have very different customer and employee needs, yet they have commonalities that make the demands on their networks very similar:

  1. An increase in on-the-go, on-demand customer access that is high-quality and secure
  2. More distributed, remote workforces that also need high-quality, secure connections from the edge to the core to the cloud
  3. A growing role for technology and data in personalizing experiences and improving outcomes
  4. A growing dependence on technology and data in making employees more efficient, engaged, and effective

The modern enterprise is entering a new phase of digital maturity: shifting from “digital transformation” to sustainable “digital business.”

IDC (International Data Corporation)

Download the eBook to read the full report

Your network should help drive consistent, exceptional digital experiences. Discover how an optimal network design drives great user experiences across industries.